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Recommendation for the disability budget 2023
(Senate -France)

In Paris, on 17 October 2022,
Attn: Senator Rémi Cardon

PLFSS Recommendations 23


The MDPH support plan: improving deadlines and simplifying procedures.
This is an emergency plan that, if we believe the 2022 roadmap was to improve the
steps and the deployment of rights in a desire to facilitate the lives of families. However,
the urgency for families is to reduce the processing gap from a department to a other. Inequality remains within the MDPH system and reinforces the feeling many have of families to undergo arbitrary procedures. The eight flagship projects of the roadmap
echoes the 2019 Court of Auditors' report, which called the modalities of decision-making emanating from the MDPH commissions.
>We propose that the proposed budget be used to further support, and as the
report 2019 of the Court of Auditors, the MDPH in their significant difficulties they
to recruit and retain physicians who are heavily involved in processing of family files, reducing delays.
> Include disability in the future Adapt 2024 premium with ANAH and already pre-funded.


Work and entrepreneurship disability

In Sweden, there is a subsidy for a disabled person starting a business.
> We propose a reduction in VAT for an adapted vehicle and a general regime
with reduced professional contribution.



> We propose that these PCO emanate from the National Education
systematic in the first year of schooling in small section of kindergarten, via liaison books, posters or information meetings. It is a way of communicating rights and steps and it is also a way to avoid self-censorship of families; which is part of the difficulties of early identification.



Places of respite and leave are claimed for caregivers who concern parents of children
This is not enough to compensate for the economic fragility of these homes, and the
management issues.
> We ask for an old age minimum for each parent helping disability rate. Today it is possible only for a caregiver of a disabled at rate by more than 80%.



> We ask for a budget dedicated to the initial training of all stakeholders
of the whole school, with disabilities, and systematic training of new teachers,
but also those in continuous position.



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